
Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2009

Bekal si kecil

Jika kita mempunyai anak usia belajar masuk sekolah/ playgroup, pasti setiap pagi hari sekolah disibukkan dengan kebingungan tentang menu apa untuk bekal anak kita. Karena waktu untuk menyiapkan yang singkat, maka menu ini harus praktis, namun tentunya bergizi, dan lezat. Saya punya menu praktis yang mungkin bisa dicoba: Tumis telur puyuh dan sosis Bahan: 10 butir telur puyuh matang, kupas dan bersihkan 1 buah wortel dipotong korek api 1 buah sosis ayam/ sapi potong melintang tipis-tipis 6 butir bawang merah 2 butir bawang putih 1 sendok makan mentega 1 sendok makan kecap ikan 1 sendok makan kecap manis 1 sendok teh kecap asin garam serta gula secukupnya Cara memasak: 1. Panaskan mentega, setelah mencair masukkan bawang merah dan bawang putih yang telah diiris tipis, tumis sampai harum. 2. Masukkan wortel, kecap ikan, kecap manis, kecap asin dan garam dan gula, aduk-aduk sebentar. 3. Jika wortel sudah kelihatan matang/ layu, masukkan telur puyuh dan sosis. 4. Aduk sampai berubah warna ...

Keep signaling!

Life is short yet complex. It's like joining a race in the maze. You will find many diverged roads on your way to the destination. Your job is choosing, selecting and deciding, all the way through. If you think you're lost, you have to find the main road back again... but sometimes you think that the wrong road is right, unaware that you're lost. In the headquarters, He listens to you still...but sometimes, you are too busy with the road, or the scenery alongside it. You forget to report many times. On your journey, many times you're not sure of the way you've taken. You're hungry, empty, feeling cold, alone, frustrated. You're disoriented. You lost contact. You forget how to report and how to keep in touch with the have lost your hope, and even you forget that He is there to help you. All you have to do is knock and talk. You just need to rest down and send a signal... but all of the noise hampers you to do that. You're down in the ma...